Senior Portrait Tips
Trust us on this.
We get the best results from a senior who is in a good mood and thinks they look great.
These are our tips for a successful senior portrait session.
Pick & Choose Your Battles
Decide on clothing in advance.
Pick clothes ahead of time and make sure they are ironed and fit properly. Arguing over clothes the morning of your portrait, or even worse on the car ride to your appointment = a bad mood which will probably result in bad photos.
We recommend...
In our professional opinion, solid colors photograph best. We recommend avoiding busy patterns, horizontal stripes, and sleeveless shirts or dresses.
Avoid Fashion Trends
Each summer there are new fashion trends. While it is great to be trendy, please take into account that this photo will live forever in your school yearbook. Sometimes simple and classic is best. A long sleeve black blouse, a solid color polo shirt, a jacket and tie…they all stand the test of time. Sometimes fashion trends change before the yearbook is published.
For all sessions that have a sitting fee there are some poses that might show below the waist. If you are doing one of these sessions, please be prepared.
No new hairstyles or haircuts!
This is the wrong day to try a new haircut or hairstyle. Go with something you know and like. If you have short hair, we recommend waiting at least a week after your haircut before your portrait as sometimes there will be uneven tan lines on your neckline from the haircut.
School Dress Code
If your school has a dress code, it probably applies to the yearbook also. Please make sure the outfit you chose would be appropriate to wear to school.
Make sure your Senior thinks they look good.
If your senior thinks they look good…you will be happy in the end. If you really can’t agree on an outfit we suggest doing the Modern (2-outfit) session. Each of you pick one outfit.
Photoshop Requests
Are Expensive
Here are the most common Photoshop requests we receive each year…they are easily avoidable with a little bit of prior planning.
Stubble can't be removed with Photoshop …if you don’t shave you are stuck with that look.
Bra Straps & Undergarments
Make sure you have the appropriate undergarments for your outfit. Look at yourself in the mirror from all sides & angles…if you can see a strap or undergarment, you will see it in the photo.
Wrinkled Clothes
Sorry, we can’t digitally iron your clothes. Please make sure that your clothes are ironed and wrinkle free
Your hands might show in some photos - make sure your nails are clean and properly groomed.